As a doctor of chiropractic, Dr. Gottenborg diagnoses and treats musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions resulting from accidents, sports injuries, lifestyle modifications and occupational stresses.
Dr. Gottenborg specializes in identifying and correcting nutritional problems related to complex medical conditions like: cholesterol, blood sugar, hormonal imbalances, thyroid and toxicity. This includes young children and adults of all ages. Dr. Gottenborg is a certified to administer DOT exams.
Main Office: 22 - 5th Ave NE Pelican Rapids, MN 56572
Menahga Location: Thursdays
225 Aspen Ave Menahga, MN 56464
(218)863-2134 TO SCHEDULE TODAY!
Dr. Andress specializes in spinal care and also nutritional support. He uses diversified adjusting techniques, as well as a modified activator and Thompson techniques, to cater to a wide variety of needs and offers a relatively pain-free means of treating conditions from headaches to foot problems. Dr. Andress also does school sports physicals. He started his practice in Menahga in 1992. He has worked closely with Ernest Huhta, Jr. and his staff at Naturale Alternatives to establish a multi-disciplinary approach to health care. Dr. Andress purchased a branch office in Walker, MN in 1995 and works with a massage therapist there as well.
Main Office: 501 Front St W, Walker, MN 56484.
Menahga Location: Fridays
225 Aspen Ave Menahga, MN 56464
(218)547-3555 TO SCHEDULE TODAY!

Dr. Blake Loxtercamp is a Chiropractic physician and strength and conditioning specialist who dedicates himself to helping patients overcome injury and improve physical function, whether they are a weekend warrior, active individual, or elite athlete.
Main Office: 11311 Dayton River Rd.
Dayton, MN 55327
Email: chirostrengthtwincities@gmail.com